美國電視劇《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)男星 James Gandolfini 前日於意大利羅馬離世,
享年51歲,James 曾憑該劇三度成為艾美獎視帝,亦曾經勇奪金球獎視帝。
他與 Kris 曾在2010年合作過《Welcome to the Rileys》(等愛的城市)。
Kris 今天也透過"Entertainment Weekly雜誌"發出悼念聲明,
她表示與 James Gandolfini合作《Welcome to the Rileys》的那段日子,是一段美好的回憶。
kris:「I was in New Orleans when I learned of the death of James. This is where we met for the shoot. Every memory came back to me and gutted me. Moments I will keep with me forever. He was immensely large. My thoughts are with his family. 」
一如他和 Kris 主演的《等愛的城市》‧‧‧RIP James Gandolfini ~
❤【預告+消息】Kris新作《 Welcome To The Rileys》 首度在台「愛∞無限精選影展」溫暖獻映